Jean-Michel Jarre : a first class patron for Le Mans Sonore !


A word by our patron

« I am very happy to sponsor this new edition of Le Mans Sonore 2024 and to invite you to join me in the sound immersion of my last musical composition under the Dôme. OXYMORE is a tribute to Pierre Henry, the sound research and the french school of electroacoustics, which has shaped the international productions of today. »

Jean-Michel JARRE

Save the date !

January, Saturday the 20th, Jean-Michel Jarre will be there for a world premiere, inaugurating the sound dome : a unique structure, espacially created for Le Mans Sonore. The artist will propose to listen to his new creation with 3D sound, OXYMORE : an album composed and produced with surround sound for a full expression of the dome’s acoustic qualities.

Jean-Michel Jarre is a sound forerunner, with an outstanding carrer. He is the french artist who brings the largest audiences in the world. Magical events, his shows use the best of the sound technologies and popularize electronic music.


Like Jean-Michel Jarre, the sound biennial wants to popularize the acoustics expertise to create unique sensorial experiences. Le Mans Sonore has the ambition to bring the public and sound experts together around this edition’s theme : Transmissions.

More information about how to attend the inauguration of the dome by Jean-Michel Jarre will soon be published on our website and our Facebook page.

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